To template or not to template?

There's a big misconception when it comes to templates and I HAVE to talk about it.
Using a template for your website doesn't mean that your website is going to look like everyone else's.
Even if you use the SAME template as someone else, it doesn’t mean your website is going to look the same as their website.
Because YOU are not the same. Your business is not the same.
Let’s get into it.
The big misconception with templates
Just because I don't agree with the fact that using a template means your website will look the same as everyone else, doesn't mean I don't understand where you're coming from.
But here's what using a template really means:
It means that technically speaking everything on your website will be set up properly.
It means that the back end of your website will be organised and it will function seamlessly.
It means that it will look beautiful and stand out without having to work with a designer
It means that you don't have to spend hours upon hours creating your website yourself because you'll have a base to build off rather than starting from Zero.
Still not convinced? You aren’t the only one…
What to do when DIY has let you down
If you’re reading this blog I'm going to make an assumption…
You've been wanting to build a website for a while and you've probably tried to DIY it but it hasn't turned out quite the way you pictured it.
This is the exact position a woman I spoke to a few months ago was in.
She had spent years going around the houses when it came to her website.
She had never hired anyone to help and had focused on trying her best to DIY it.
She tried to do it Wix, WordPress and Squarespace.
All website builders that claim to provide an ‘easy to use experience’ but in reality, aren't always as easy as they make it seem.
Although she had managed to put something together she didn't feel like it looked as good as it could and she never felt confident in sending it to potential clients.
She had spent so much money trying to do it herself but felt like she had wasted pretty much every penny because no matter what she did she didn't like the final product.
When she added it up she had spent thousands of pounds and still hadn't gotten a website she was happy with.
That's when she found my templates and decided to invest in one.
(Spoiler: she now has a fully functioning and visually stunning website that she didn't have to spend thousands on and feels confident in sending it to potential clients.)
Because unlike when she was trying to build a website without a template she had a solid foundation to jump off and she was able to build her website from there and more so, she could edit it and change it as her business evolved.
Templates aren’t set in stone
This is another big reason why just because you buy a template doesn't mean your website is going to look like someone else's.
Because a template isn’t a rigid thing.
All a template does is give you a solid foundation you can creatively jump off, build up and change as your business evolves.
This is especially true when you buy a Showit template because it can evolve as your business does. It can even link to WordPress so you can expand your website really easily if you want to add digital products or e-commerce.
Your template doesn't have to stay a template forever.
It's just here to give you a leg up and the structure and design inspiration you need to create a really great website for less than half the price and in less than half a time.
You can explore my range of Showit templates purpose-built for service providers like you by clicking here!
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